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This function allows you to create normal populations for data that would include repeated measures items. Additionally, the data can be rounded and/or truncated to ensure it matches a target scale - for example, a 1-7 type rating scale.


calculate_proportion(samples, cutoff, grouping_items = NULL, score)



The bootstrapped samples from your population


The cutoff score for an item to be well measured from the standard errors of your items


The names of columns to group your data by for the cutoff calculation, usually this column is the item column


The column of the score you wish to calculate for your cutoff score SE



Summary of the proportion of items below the standard error cutoff score.


# step 1 create data like what I think I'll get or use your own
pops <- simulate_population(mu = 4, mu_sigma = .2, sigma = 2,
                            sigma_sigma = .2, number_items = 30, number_scores = 20,
                            smallest_sigma = .02, min_score = 1, max_score = 7, digits = 0)

# step 2 calculate our cut off score
cutoff <- calculate_cutoff(population = pops,
 grouping_items = "item",
 score = "score",
 minimum = 1,
 maximum = 7)

#>  [1] 0.3831998 0.4039281 0.4405439 0.4604060 0.3015312 0.4638228 0.4723959
#>  [8] 0.4004931 0.3332456 0.4861232 0.3574397 0.3900067 0.3991768 0.3423987
#> [15] 0.3925289 0.3515005 0.3634629 0.4806793 0.3661679 0.5175855 0.4436689
#> [22] 0.4259664 0.4070109 0.3913539 0.3938675 0.3620119 0.3439324 0.3032716
#> [29] 0.4222434 0.4638228
#> [1] 0.05510047
#>       40% 
#> 0.3908151 
#> [1] 0.01836682

# step 3 simulate samples
samples <- simulate_samples(start = 20, stop = 100,
 increase = 5, population = pops,
 replace = TRUE, grouping_items = "item")

# step 4 and 5
proportion_summary <- calculate_proportion(samples = samples,
 cutoff = cutoff$cutoff,
 grouping_items = "item",
 score = "score")
#> # A tibble: 17 × 2
#>    sample_size percent_below
#>          <dbl>         <dbl>
#>  1          20         0.529
#>  2          25         0.747
#>  3          30         0.903
#>  4          35         0.98 
#>  5          40         0.999
#>  6          45         1    
#>  7          50         1    
#>  8          55         1    
#>  9          60         1    
#> 10          65         1    
#> 11          70         1    
#> 12          75         1    
#> 13          80         1    
#> 14          85         1    
#> 15          90         1    
#> 16          95         1    
#> 17         100         1