Linguistic Annotated Bibliography Datasets
Dataset to use the import_lab
function to
datasets from the Linguistic Annotated Bibliography
to merge with the priming data.
A data frame of information from the LAB database and information on how to load the datasets.
- included
information about if the data is included in the current LAB data archive.
- bibtex
the code to use to open the relevant data.
- author, year, ref_title, ref_journal, ref_volume, ref_page, ref_doi
columns with information about the reference for the cited dataset.
- no1, no2
information about the number of items available in the dataset.
- type1, type2
what type of data (words, pairs, etc.) is available in the dataset.
- ref1, ref2
where the dataset was referenced from (for example, did someone add on to the snodgrass norms?)
- notes_stim, data_name, nonling, language, notes_lang, language_glotto, notes_glotto, population, notes_var
notes and other information about the language, population, or stimuli available in the dataset.
- everything else
All other columns are binary variables that indicate if the data contains that type of linguistic information. For example, phonon indicates phonographic neighborhood values.